Welcome to Episode 3-Season 8 of Haunted AF (listen HERE), featuring our Golden Ghouls Paranormal Group (can't wait to meet them at the Spooky Spectacle in September) and a Little House on the Prairie ghost who was showing up at Holiday Inn, for some reason.
We also got another creepy story from the Haunted Hill House in Mineral Wells, TX which seems to be FAR more haunted than your typical haunted house. Here's Deanna and her family watching themselves freak out on their ghost-hunt.
Find more exclusive content at Patreon.com/HauntedAF and, while you're here, check out the Haunted AF Online Store to see our cute t-shirts and mugs. Most importantly, remember to send YOUR spooky stories to hauntedafpodcast@gmail.com so we can use them in Season 8 of Haunted AF!