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Episode 7-Season 7: Ghosts of the Shanghai Tunnels (& Watch Out for that Pukwudgie!)

Haunted AF Episode 7-Season 7 (listen HERE or watch below) kicked off with a Shadow Man story from Jessica, who lives near the Bridgewater Triangle in southern Massachusetts. We'd never heard of it before but it's a favorite investigation spot for Paranormal Researchers in that area. Even Chris Jericho took a shot at it!

Stephanie also told us about the ghost she brought home from the Goatman's Bridge (or it's real name, the Old Alton Bridge) in Denton, Texas.

Alexis wrote from South Africa to tell us about her Grandfather's Farmhouse, which has a tragic history and has been sitting empty for 50 years. She sent some photos as well and that place definitely looks haunted (the flare was added to cover a family member).

Brian also wrote to tell about his wild experience while touring the Shanghai Tunnels in Portland, Oregon.

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